The Unity

There is a Unity that lives in me and I in It.

It connects you and me and we to all that lives and to all that is, was and will be.‌‌

Like matter & energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, our essence is timeless and spaceless and part of the eternal Source.‌‌

The Unity contains both matter and mind because both of them are in me and We are an extension of the Unity.‌‌

The Unity is the Great Mystery that can never be well-understood but is as undeniably real as is our own minds.‌‌

In this Unity, we argue and fight because we perceive our separateness more strongly than we do the Unity we already are.‌‌

When we glimpse the Unity, we are inspired to love and peace, though the awareness fades back into the separateness.‌‌

What is the Unity? The question of all time! I wish I knew! Yet, I know It is and lives in me and you. In this Unity, and the life-long search to understand It, I find my "spiritual agnosticism".

(This is an attempt at a philosophical/spiritual "poem"-ish that I wrote on January 25, 2015, first "published" within Facebook)